
Amazon, produce to preserve and develop

"Here they emerge like migratory birds when the red danger light turns on, but with the same speed as they land, they take off, when discussing the need for investments in prevention and conservation." The Amazon has been occupying growing spaces in the world's media like never before. Fundamentally, as a result of the levels of deforestation and fires in the …

Amazon, produce to preserve and develop Read More »

Threatened Amazon: settlers exchange wood for sustainable income

Located in the Arco do Deforestation region, in the northwest of Mato Grosso, the municipality of Juruena is home to the Vale do Amanhecer, a settlement with 140 km² of area where 250 families live. Established by the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) in 1999, the site is a rare case of success among settlements from …

Threatened Amazon: settlers exchange wood for sustainable income Read More »

Annual survey reveals optimism for forest carbon

Authors of Forest Carbon Offsetting 2010 claim that emissions offsetting projects through forests have overcome important barriers and are on the right path to gaining a greater share of the market. Despite the poor result of the Copenhagen meeting last December, 80% of respondents to the Forest Carbon Offsetting 2010 survey are optimistic about …

Annual survey reveals optimism for forest carbon Read More »
