The Purus Project is a tropical forest conservation project that seeks payment for environmental services, also known as the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+), in a privately owned area located in the State of Acre-Brazil, with 35,169 hectares (ie, approximately 86,867 acres). The Purus Project was successfully validated by SCS Global Services in January 2013 for the Verified Carbon Standard methodology (VCS, Version 3.3) and also for the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard methodology (CCBS, second edition), the latter with Gold Distinction.

The CCBS Design Document, with supporting documentation, can be accessed through the website and page: e o documento do VCS com a Descrição do Projeto e da documentação pode ser acessado abaixo.
The three main proponents of the project are: CarbonCo LLC (“CarbonCo”), Freitas International Group, LLC (“Freitas International Group or Carbon Securities”), and Moura & Rosa Empreendimentos Imobiliários LTDA. (“Moura & Rosa” or “M&R”). CarbonCo, the wholly owned subsidiary of, is responsible for obtaining certification and funding for the Purus Project at an early stage. Carbon Securities operates in agency, consulting, logistics, translation and intermediation between CarbonCo and Moura & Rosa. Moura & Rosa is a company located in the State of Acre-Brazil, owner of land and mainly responsible for the management and implementation of the environmental project and activities to reduce deforestation.

The primary activities of the project are: conducting a forest carbon inventory, modeling regional deforestation and land use patterns, and mitigating deforestation pressures using payments for environmental services, through continuous monitoring of impacts on the community, climate and biodiversity of the Project area. Social projects and activities to mitigate deforestation pressures take into account the participation of EMBRAPA – Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and SOS Amazônia.
This Purus Project Document is a summary of the Purus Project CCBS Project Design Document (PDD), the VCS Project Description (PD), and the full CCBS tracking plans, along with the CCB Project Execution Report and the Project Execution Report. VCS Monitoring, which cover the initial monitoring in the reporting period from May 23, 2011 to December 31, 2012.